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National No Smoking Day 2024 #NSD24  #QuitYourWay Wednesday 13th March

National No Smoking Day 2024 #NSD24  #QuitYourWay

Smoking is one of the single largest preventable causes of premature death and ill health in Scotland. It causes approximately 8,260 smoking-related deaths every year in Scotland and is responsible for around 40,766 hospital admissions. Smoking quit attempts in Scotland have been falling since 2011, they have more than halved in the last twelve years. Therefore it is now more important than ever to make a change. Why not to try stop smoking on the National No Smoking Day – ASH Scotland?

Evidence tells us that there is a direct link between using NHS stop-smoking services to support a quit attempt and the continuous decline in people who smoke.

Do you want to stop smoking but don’t know how?

Get help with free support. Whether you’re ready to stop, or just beginning to think about it please contact our NHS Forth Valley – Stop Smoking Service. Our Stop Smoking Service is free and can help you stop smoking and stay stopped in a way that suits you. Referrals can be completed via our website, by calling 01786 433293 or emailing [email protected]. All that is required is your name and phone number for one of our friendly advisors to call you back.