Fitness to drive campaign

Road Safety Scotland and The Scottish Government has launched a new Fitness to Drive campaign to inform the public about the links between health and driving and encourage drivers aged 60 and over to get regular eye examinations to continue driving safely.

As we get older our eyesight changes, which can affect our driving. The best way to make sure your eyes are fit to drive is to have them tested regularly, or to visit a community optometry practice (opticians) as soon as you notice a change in your eyesight.

Recent statistics show 29% of car driver casualties killed or seriously injured in road collisions in 2022, were aged over 60.

The Fitness to Drive campaign will also ask 60+ drivers to reassess whether other health related issues are affecting the way they drive.

Road Safety Scotland and The Scottish Government has launched a new Fitness to Drive campaign to inform the public about the links between health and driving and encourage drivers aged 60 and over to get regular eye examinations to continue driving safely.

As we get older our eyesight changes, which can affect our driving. The best way to make sure your eyes are fit to drive is to have them tested regularly, or to visit a community optometry practice (opticians) as soon as you notice a change in your eyesight.

Recent statistics show 29% of car driver casualties killed or seriously injured in road collisions in 2022, were aged over 60.

Ensuring your eyes are ‘Fit to Drive’
Wider ‘Fitness to Drive’ Messages
As we get older our eyesight changes and this can affect our driving, but getting an eye examination can help you keep
driving safely.

If your vision is affecting the way you drive and you’re finding certain things more difficult, like driving at night, it could be
as a result of changes in your vision and an eye examination could help you to continue driving safely.

Changes in your vision don’t have to mean giving up driving. Your local optometrist (optician) can advise on glasses, lenses
or treatment for eye conditions to keep you driving safely as long as possible.

There are many benefits to getting your eyes examined regularly. As well as detecting changes in your vision, an eye
examination not only picks up eye conditions like cataracts and glaucoma but can also identify blood issues and
neurological problems.

If you notice a change in your vision, you don’t have to wait until your next eye examination. Get in touch with your local
optometrist right away.

Health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes can also affect • your driving.

  • Vouchers are available for glasses and lenses if you are on certain benefits.