Fallin, Cowie & Airth Medical Practice has been accredited as a Training Practice coaching GPs of the future.
Dr Mairi Jamieson, Dr Kirsty Stewart and Dr Chris McClure are the designated GP Trainers but, all doctors in the Practice have a significant role to play in training our assigned Doctors. The GP Trainee is a fully qualified and experience doctor near the end of their training to become a GP. The Doctors are supervised throughout their journey with us and in addition to the Doctors being assessed, the Practice is also inspected periodically. We will usually have a least one trainee working with us as they gain experience in General Practice. The Doctors join us for an extended period of time:
· FY2 (Foundation Year) 4 months
· ST1 (Specialist GPs in their 1st Year) 6 months
· ST3 (Specialist GPs in their 3rd Year) minimum 12 months
The Practice benefits from the Doctor’s experience, having worked in alternative medical environments prior to joining us. In addition, we are able to offer additional appointments and choice of doctor during their time with us.
As part of the doctor’s training programme, they have to video a certain number of consultations for assessment and sometimes we may do a joint consultation with them. In these cases, your permission for this will always be sought
Medical Students
From time to time, we also have senior medical students join us to gain experience under the direction of our clinical staff and you may even be offered an appointment in the student-led surgery. You will always be given the opportunity to decline.