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Contact Telephone Numbers


Fallin01786 812412
Cowie01786 812809
Airth01324 831532
Out of Hours /NHS 24 111

Community Staff

Health Visitor
District Nurse


Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert01324 566000
Falkirk Community Hospital01324 624000
BMI King’s Park Hospital01786 497184

NHS Forth Valley

NHS Forth Valley – Useful numbersCLICK HERE
NHS Forth Valley Patient Appointment line01324 566249
NHS Forth Valley Complaints01324 566660

Self-Referral Services

Breathing Space – Feeling low, Anxious or Stressed?0800 83 85 87
Call the Midwife – Antenatal care01324 567146
Care equipment and adapting your home0800 0011 3200
Citizens Advice – Stirling District01786 470239
Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal disorders)0800 917 9390
Sexual Healthcare01324 673554
Termination of Pregnancy01324 673555