Fallin, Cowie & Airth Medical Practice

NHS Scotland
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Welcome to Fallin Cowie & Airth Medical Practice

Fallin, Cowie and Airth Medical Practice was created in 1981 from the amalgamation of two established practices giving a wider choice of doctors and services to our patients. We consult from premises in the three villages of Fallin, Cowie, and Airth. Each building is centrally located with car parking and disabled access.

We are a group practice and although you will be registered with one doctor, you may choose to see whichever doctor you wish. We are pleased to also have an advanced nurse practitioner, two mental health nurse prescribers, two physiotherapists, and two pharmacists in our team. Our reception staff will ask you some questions to ensure you see the right person, at the right time.

In light of the Scottish Government’s decision not to honour full implementation of the new General Medical Services (2018) contract, we draw your attention to the following British Medical Association advice issued for patients in April 2023:

Patient information

Dear Patient,

We have added this note to explain why you may now need to wait longer to receive some of the services you may previously have received at our practice. The 2018 GP contract began a process of reform that would see Health Boards centrally provide some services that were previously the responsibility of GP practices. These services included phlebotomy (taking bloods), chronic disease monitoring, treating minor injuries, removing sutures, dressing wounds and ear wax management. Additionally, various activities related to prescribing also moved to provision by the Health Board along with vaccinations which are now largely provided by Health Boards. The intention behind this reform was to reduce GP practice workload to stabilise general practice and to allow GPs and their teams increased time to provide care to complex and frail elderly patients. Transfer of contractual responsibility for these services took place in May 2022, but as the Health Board services were inadequate, GP practices were commissioned to continue filling gaps in what the Board could provide until 1 April 2023. As our previous arrangement with the Health Board has now expired and Scottish Government has chosen not to commission General Practice to continue filling these gaps, it is now largely up to the Health Board to provide you with access to these services centrally. Unfortunately, this is likely to mean longer waits to access services than you may have been used to, until such time as the Board is able to increase its capacity. Our practice will continue to provide the services listed above to patients where they need treated immediately to prevent injury or the worsening of their condition, but this is a limited
safety net to avoid harm to patients. We are sure that these changes are likely to be frustrating and everyone at our practice shares this frustration with you. We would have done our best in difficult circumstances to continue to meet the shortfall in Health Board services to ensure you receive an appropriate service, but this requires resources that the Scottish Government was unwilling to provide this year. You may wish to contact your local MSPs to point out the effect of Scottish Government’s decision and the impact it will have on you and patients like you. You can find out how to contact them by entering your postcode at Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Yours sincerely

The practice team

News & Announcements

Flu Vaccinations 2024

The flu vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

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Home Emergency Plan Ready Scotland’s aim is to make Scotland more resilient to emergencies. We recommend that all households build

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Summer health tips and advice

Summer means longer days, nicer weather, trips away and more time outdoors. But, it can also mean an increase in seasonal mishaps and illnesses. Be prepared and view summer health advice to keep you and your loved ones safe and well.

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Know who to turn to for your healthcare

We want to help you get the right medical assistance when you’re ill, injured or have a long term condition. Going directly to the person with the appropriate skills is important. This can help you to a speedier recovery and makes sure all NHS services are run efficiently.